American Home Shield

Fill out the form and we'll connect you once a customer service or care line representative is on the line

Estimated hold time: 25 min(s)
Hold time with Never Wait On Hold: 0 mins
Open Works:
⦿ Sunday 24/7
⦿ Monday 24/7
⦿ Tuesday 24/7
⦿ Wednesday 24/7
⦿ Thursday 24/7
⦿ Friday 24/7
⦿ Saturday 24/7
How It Works
Choose a company
Choose a company and click “Get Support”
We connect to the company
We’ll wait on hold and hit all the buttons

Go about your day

Let us wait on hold while you can continue your work
We detect a human representative answer
We’ll connect you with the company once we detect a human representative answer
We love helping people
  • Max L.

    “Very helpful app. It does all the dirty work for you.”

  • Alex C.
    “I'm running three companies, which means I call banks, government agencies, software companies, etc., several times a day! Usually, I'm on hold for hours every single month. So this application is a true timesaver for me. Thank you! Great job!”
  • Zalman L.
    “Best app ever! Saves me so much time. I used to dread having to contact customer service.”
Welcome to American Home Shield – Your Trusted Partner in Home Protection!

Are you in need of top-notch customer service for your home protection needs? Look no further! American Home Shield is here to provide unparalleled support, ensuring your home is always in safe hands.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our dedicated American Home Shield customer service. When you choose us, you gain access to a team that prioritizes your concerns. Whether you have questions about your plan or need assistance with a claim, our experts are just a phone call away.

Speaking of calls, our American Home Shield phone number is your direct line to prompt and reliable assistance. We understand the importance of quick solutions, and our team is ready to address your queries efficiently. Dial our American Home Shield phone number anytime you need support – we're here for you.

But that's not all – we take pride in our American Home Shield care line, designed to provide personalized attention to your specific needs. Our care line is more than just a service; it's a commitment to making your experience with American Home Shield seamless and stress-free.
Why choose American Home Shield? Our customer-centric approach sets us apart. We believe in transparent communication and providing you with the information you need. Our American Home Shield care line ensures you have the support and guidance required to make informed decisions about your home protection.

Your satisfaction is our priority. When you choose American Home Shield, you're not just getting a plan; you're gaining a partner dedicated to the security and well-being of your home. Experience the difference with American Home Shield – where your home is our priority.
Ready to connect with us? Dial our American Home Shield phone number now and discover the peace of mind that comes with having a reliable partner in home protection.

American Home Shield – Safeguarding Your Home, Ensuring Your Peace of Mind.

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